League Memberships
Manage your League Memberships directly within Darts Atlas.
Inviting Members
You can invite a new member directly by entering their email address. We will create a League Invitation for them, and will invite them to Darts Atlas if they do not already have an account. Once they Accept your Invitation their unique Member ID will be automatically generated and their Membership expiration will be set to 1 year in the future.
Paid Memberships
New members who pay their membership dues via Darts Atlas will have their Memberships automatically created.
Membership Renewals
Existing membership renewals paid through Darts Atlas will be automatically extended to 1 year beyond their current expiration date. For example, if a Membership expires on January 1, 2022, but is renewed on December 15, the updated Membership expiration date will be January 1, 2023.
Season and Tournament Access
Set an event to “Members Only” in order to restrict registration to active league members. If a Membership lapses between when the player registered and when the event takes place that player will still be able to participate unless manually removed by an administrator.