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Tournament Administration

Create your Tournament

From your dashboard, select “Create a Tournament” from the Administration menu. Tournament matches will default to the match length you provide during setup, but this can be overridden on a match-by-match basis (for example, you can extend the length of the semi-finals and final after the bracket is created)

Add your Venue(s)

From your Tournament homepage, select “Venues” to search for your home venue. Add your venue if it is not already on Darts Atlas.

Your new tournament can be found in location-based searches, or by direct link. It will also show up in your League’s Upcoming Events if you assigned it to a League. Players can see all of your tournament details in one place, and can register with a single click. Leagues with Payments enabled can provide an integrated payment and registration experience for their tournament entrants.

Manage Registrations

Player registrations can be accessed via the “Players” tab on your tournament homepage. If your Tournament is Invite-Only then you will need to invite players using their email address.

If your Tournament is Open or Members-Only then players can register directly from your tournament homepage.

If the number of Pending and Approved registrations reaches the maximum entrant limit you set when creating then tournament then new registrations will not be accepted. You can open up registration space by denying any Pending registrations, or by increasing your number of maximum entrants.

Only players whose registrations have been “Approved” will be added to the bracket or groups.


Darts Atlas charges an administration fee for each player in your tournament, which is paid once player registration is complete.

This administration fee is waived for leagues that capture registration fees through Darts Atlas (conditions apply).

Match Forfeiture

Tournament Directors may forfeit a tournament match at any time. From the Tournament homepage, select “Manage Matches” from the admin menu. Next, select “Forfeit” under the losing player for the match. This will advance the winning player to the next round of the tournament.