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Marking Cricket

Demo Cricket Scoreboard

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Play Cricket” under the Guests header

Select a Thrower

Tap a player’s name or score to give them the throw. Darts Atlas will automatically give the throw in odd legs to the player who enters the first throw in the first leg, and in even legs to their opponent. This can be overridden by tapping the other player’s name or score prior to throwing the first dart in that leg.

Entering Marks

Tap the target number (or B) to enter a single mark, tap the D for a Double, and the T for a Triple.

Tap the “Clear” button to reset the current turn’s marks.

Tap the “Ent” button to submit your turn even if you did not score any marks.

Correct a Score

Tap the “Menu” button, then “Undo Last Throw” to delete and re-enter the previously-recorded turn. Each turn must be deleted in sequence, so correcting a score from 2 throws ago will require the last 2 scores to be deleted and then re-entered.

Undo Game Shot

If you mistakenly entered a game shot, as long as it wasn’t the winning leg in the match, you can tap “Menu” and then “Undo Last Throw” do re-open the previous leg and to delete the game shot. A match-winning visit cannot be undone.

Scoreboard Refresh

Refresh your browser window if you experience any issues or if you are unsure if your last input was entered. When in doubt, refresh the browser.