Email Confirmation
In order to prevent abandoned accounts, Darts Atlas requires that players confirm their email address upon signup before they are able to use the platform. This ensures that you can always reset your password and that you will not lose access to your account after paying for entry fees, memberships, or subscriptions.
Your confirmation email will include a link to confirm your account. Once you click on that link you should be directed directly to your Darts Atlas dashboard.
Be sure to check your Spam/Junk and Trash folders if you do not see the confirmation email in your inbox within 2 minutes of creating your account.
You can also confirm that you entered your email address correctly by attemping to create an account again using that same address. If you get an erorr message that the email has already been taken then your account was successfully created with that email address, and is just pending confirmation.
- If you do not see the Confirmation Instructions email in your inbox it may be in your Spam or Trash folders. Make sure you wait at least 5 minutes before sending another request.
- If your browser auto-filled the sign up form then your registration may have been silently rejected by our spam filter. You can repeat the sign up process by disabling autofill on your browser, or by using a different browser that does not automaticlly populate the form fields.
You can request a new confirmation email at
Still having problems? Email with a detailed description of your issue and what you have already tried.